
杰森·雅各布斯, Ph.D.Associate Professor of Literature and Chair of the Department of English Literature




B.A. 佛罗里达新学院.A., Ph.D. 加州大学圣克鲁斯分校

Dr. 杰森·雅各布斯 is Associate Professor of Literature and Chair of the Department of English Literature. His research interests include vernacular narrative poetry in Old French and Italian from the High and Late Middle Ages; epic studies; lyric poetry; premodern gender and sexuality; literary theory (especially psychoanalysis, 女权主义理论, and queer theory); and contemporary queer politics, 表示, 和理论. At Roger Williams University he has taught French and Italian language courses at all levels; French literature courses from the pre- and early-modern periods; and general education courses at both the freshman and senior levels. Part of the founding faculty of RWU’s Gender & 性研究项目,博士. Jacobs has also taught a capstone research seminar in Gender & 性研究. Dr. Jacobs served from 2015-2021 as Associate Dean of General 教育 and from 2021-2023 as Dean of 本科 Studies before returning to full-time teaching and research. In January 2024, he joined the journal postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies 因为身为.


直觉:在 香松斯本能审美.” postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies 14.1 (2023).

《网赌的十大网站》.” QED: GLBTQ世界构建期刊 7.1 (2020).

《网赌的十大网站》 《网赌的十大网站》, Queer Kids, and the Limits of the Family.” GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 20.3 (2014).

“Galiziella’s Escape: Interconfessional Erotics and Love Between Knights in the Aspremont传统.” 加州意大利语研究 4.2 (2013). (即将出版)

“An Inheritance of Violence: Patrimony, Vassal Service, and Conquest in the Charroi de nmes.” Exemplaria 24.4 (2012).     

“Ports of Call: Boccaccio’s Alatiel in the Medieval Mediterranean” co-authored with Sharon Kinoshita. The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 37.1 (2007).


路加福音桑德兰, Old French Narrative Cycles: Heroism between Ethics and Morality. 古罗马的审查 (即将出版).

迈克尔一个. H. Newth,反式., Heroines of the French Epic: A Second Selection of Chansons de Geste. H-France 15.23(2015年2月).

玛德琳Tyssens, “La Tierce geste qui molt fist a prisier”: Narbonnais的周期.中世纪评论 (在线).

玛格丽特·朱伊特·伯兰, Strange Words: Retelling and Reception in the Medieval Roland Textual 传统. 现代语言学 109.2 (2011).


CORE 104: Literature, Philosophy, and the Examined Life
高级法语语法 & 作文
FREN 350: Special Topics: Medieval Literature & 宫廷爱情
FREN 350: Special Topics: 17th Century French Theater
gss420:性别 & 性研究研讨会
ITAL 101-102:初级意大利语
ITAL 201-202:中级意大利语


Société Rencesvals for the Study of the Romance Epic