
RWU的联合实验室重新构思公共故事, 历史, 通过改变故事被讲述人的动态来讲述故事, 如何, 是谁干的. The work of RWU的联合实验室 centers historically marginalized or erased populations and invites them to work with us to investigate and tell a set of new defining narratives and representations for the New England region.

RWU的联合实验室 undertakes publicly-engaged scholarship across the humanistic disciplines to transform society and lived realities. The publicly-engaged humanities focus on informing contemporary debates, 放大社区的声音和历史, 支持社区克服困难, 扩大教育机会和技能组合, 在危机和变革时期保护文化.[1] 在工作中, RWU的联合实验室 foregrounds the exploration of race and race relations as they structure our world, 并寻求建立以社区为中心的和解途径, 股本, 和正义.

RWU的联合实验室 focuses on engaging the public in the areas of history, 视觉艺术:视觉和表演艺术, 文物及文物保育, 空间和地点, 物质与视觉文化, 历史叙事, 公共教育和理智主义. Our investigation of topics related to inclusive narratives includes the spoken, 书面, 视觉, 的戏剧, 肉体, as we imagine the ways that people are both the producers and the products of their geographical and 文化 landscapes.


艺术也许代表了最古老、最具人性的探索方式, 审讯, 重要的勘探, 反射, 具体化的表达. RWU的联合实验室 leverages the arts as a set of methods and means for bringing new stories, 理解, 历史, 并通过感官向公共领域提出问题, 经历, 和遇到.


The Co-lab will be a forum for dialogue and 审讯 of heritage – or the way we use or experience history for our social, 文化, 以及当前的政治项目——在当地, 区域, 国家和全球背景. Critical heritage studies focus on contemporary relationships between people, 他们的遗产, 和权力, as well as the conflict and negotiation inherent in constructing tangible and intangible heritage. An applied critical heritage studies lens is important in interrogating 如何 people understand themselves and others based on their identities constructed in relation to stories, 符号, 对象, 以及根植于过去的思想.


Cultural landscape studies explores the formation, use, and 意义 of everyday landscapes. 在RWU的联合实验室, 我们把景观作为政治活动的产物, 经济, 而社会权力又反映了由此产生的社会关系. This area explores 如何 urban and rural environments have been shaped by and continue to inform the 经历 of diverse populations. 我们也批判性地将景观解释为争论的场所, 意义, 对活着的人来说意义重大, 在他们中间工作和玩耍.


RWU的联合实验室 will decolonize ways of studying 物质与视觉文化, to be inclusive of stories that have not been centered in these disciplines. 从历史上看, the “gaze” through which scholars have analyzed material 对象 and visual cultures has been white, 男性, 和西方, 优先考虑那些有优势的故事, 殖民主义的历史和叙述. RWU的联合实验室 will foreground new ways of identifying 对象 of analysis that center historically marginalized and erased communities, and will endeavor to reimagine modes of looking and representation that center those voices and stories.


A central component of RWU的联合实验室 is making stories visible through the humanities and the arts. One aspect of that is attention to 如何 历史 are researched and disseminated.  This area of RWU的联合实验室’s work will intentionally involve communities in the dissemination of their own stories, 这样做的时候, will interrupt the practice of speaking for others (especially groups who have been historically marginalized and erased by the stories dominant groups tell about them). This practice revises 历史叙事s, centering communities themselves.


这类数字故事叙述 is a powerful resource for both disrupting colonial narratives and constructing more accurate and inclusive accounts and representations of historical events, 文化现象, 以及社会结构. RWU的联合实验室 will work with communities to build better ways of creating, 生产, 分享更具包容性, 代表, 以及数字公共领域的准确叙述, 同时为学生做准备, 教师, and staff to develop and apply equitable and 文化ly responsive approaches to content development and management and user-experience research and 设计. 这样做的时候, the Co-Lab at RWU will intentionally seek to remove barriers to access, 剥夺了边缘化特定群体的看门人的权力, 支持当地社区撰写他们自己的故事, 历史, 通过社区驱动的研究来表达, 设计, 沟通, 以及教育实践.


RWU的联合实验室 is dedicated to developing a culture of public intellectualism in two senses: first, 通过从事与社会相关的研究, 文化, 其次是我们周围的政治世界, 通过提供可访问的学术研究, 有意义的, 并且对公众有用. 在工作中, 我们努力让社区做好更好的准备, 的资源, 并且有组织地去实现他们的目标.