
在周五, 6月7日, 2024, the Roger Williams University Public Humanities 和 Arts Collaborative (Co-Lab) will host (重新)告诉: Crafting New Stories of Race 和 Place in Southern New Engl和 at the 普罗维登斯 Public Library in 普罗维登斯, R.I.

(重新)告诉: Crafting New Stories of Race 和 Place in Southern New Engl和

RWU公共人文艺术合作 (Co-Lab)
2024年6月7日,上午9:00 -下午4:30


由国家人文基金会资助, this regional public humanities gathering will bring together organizations, 组, 和 institutions engaged in the public humanities work of researching, 制作, 和 sharing stories about race 和 place in our region. 

的对话 (重新)告诉 will consider methods for fostering 和 amplifying new 和 known narratives, engaging in public dialogs that foster collective underst和ing, 和 using stories to further justice-oriented action in the present. We also hope to explore increased connections between organizations engaged in this work in the region 和 consider ways to stimulate new research 和 programming collaborations through a public humanities consortium.




杰弗里·梅里韦瑟,院长,RWU SHAE

Elaine Stiles, RWU联合实验室主任


主持人:Jeffrey Meriwether, RWU


11:00 Engaging Community in Dialog/Fostering Collective Underst和ing

主持人:Brian Hendrickson, RWU




2:30 From Narrative to Action: Using Stories to Foster Change

主持人:Anne Proctor, RWU




成立于2021年, the Co-Lab at RWU is a mission-driven public humanities center dedicated to sharing 和 fostering inclusive narratives, 表示, 和 histories that make historically marginalized or erased populations audible 和 visible. Our work seeks to cultivate knowledge rooted in authentic, 互惠, 以及学者之间的伦理合作, 社区, 以及艺术和人文领域的从业者. 自成立以来, 和 with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Co-Lab has sponsored curriculum development 和 established a minor in Public Humanites at RWU, run the popular 隐藏的真理: Stories of Race 和 Place lecture series, offered public humanities 和 arts pedagogy 和 practice workshops for faculty, 和 initiated an anti-racist community engagement campus 培训 series.  


方向 to the 普罗维登斯 Public Library 和 information on parking options are available on the 普罗维登斯 Public Library website. The nearest parking facility to the 普罗维登斯 Public Library is the Civic Center Garage at 165 Washington Street.  

This event is made possible with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities.